
Podcast Discovery with AI Generated Topics

Buzzsprout Episode 137

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We're gearing up for our next episode in which we will cover Amazon Music's newest AI tool, virtual podcast studios, and criminal podcasters. We'll also discuss what we'll be doing at Podcast Movement later this month and raise a very important question...should we continue snapcasts?

Don't forget to send in your response to last episode's sound-off question: What is your podcast about, and what kind of current event can you leverage for growth?

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Speaker 1:

All right, hey everyone. So for this Snapcast we're going to go over some of the topics that we're covering in our next episode of Buzzcast. We are going to have a good episode, I think.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we're going to talk about how Amazon Music is launching a new AI tool in their app that will improve podcast discovery, which I've played with it. It's really cool, so I'm excited about that one.

Speaker 2:

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Tell me more. An AI tool that improves podcast discovery.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so they have launched a new tool in their podcast app called Topics, and it's this really neat thing where basically the AI goes through what the episode is about and it divides it into topic tags and then you can.

Speaker 2:

Oh, plunge deeper into a specific topic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, it's really cool.

Speaker 3:

You can delve deeper because it's a AI feature.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, down the rabbit hole. It's pretty cool. It's easy to get sucked into it, so I'm excited to talk about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that sounds super interesting.

Speaker 1:

And then we're also going to talk about virtual podcast studios and what's a virtual podcast studio? Yeah, so Podcast Discovery. It's like this UK-based marketing company. They have released virtual podcast studio in which they do a 3D model of a podcast studio catered to your podcast, and it's wild, honestly.

Speaker 2:

Do you need, like a VR headset to do this?

Speaker 1:

No, you don't, is that? Yeah, no, you don't need a VR headset. They supply all of the things that you need to film yourself, and then they put you in your virtual studio.

Speaker 3:

Oh my goodness, is this like in Zoom, where you change your background to like a ship and people are like oh my gosh, are you on a ship right now?

Speaker 1:

That's exactly what my thought was. Or, you know, like do you turn into a potato? A cat yeah that's exactly where my mind went to, but these are custom and really cool. I won't say that they're hyper realisticistic, but it is very like Ready Player One, where you're in this virtual space but it's your virtual space and there's little Easter eggs and branding for your podcast in it.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, all right. Yeah, we'll see how this plays out. I'm not optimistic about this topic.

Speaker 1:

And then we're going a little bit meta. So next episode we're going to discuss if Snapcasts are good for a podcast or not and see what you guys think about Snapcasts in our feed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is a discussion I'm really interested in having, because we've been doing these now since the beginning of the year and some weeks I love them, some weeks it feels like just extra work and not as fun as I'd hope they would be. So I'm wondering if we can, at this point, like go reevaluate and say what are the lessons learned? Is this good for our show? Is this bad for our show? How do we want to modify them going forward? And I always also, you know, I hope we have an opportunity to get some audience feedback, not necessarily, you know, right now, to process real time.

Speaker 3:

But on the heels of that discussion, I want All right, and the last story we've got to talk about is this guy who's admitting to crimes on podcasts. Jordan said this to us, so I know you've got it in the outline. Yes, quick legal tip. This is not I'm not your lawyer, but a quick legal tip. Podcasts are listened to by the cops yeah, it's not just other criminals. So you can't admit to doing crimes and not expect it to come back on you.

Speaker 2:

Maybe this is one of those things that, if you feel like no one's ever listening to your show and you're just speaking into the void, go ahead and confess to some crimes and see if you want to get some audience feedback. Maybe the FBI is listening, maybe they'll call you up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that guy's getting arrested. He's like my first listener, did you guys?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I knew it would work, that's the takeaway At the end of the day. I might be going to jail for 20 years, but I'm just happy someone's listening.

Speaker 3:

This is the number one growth strategy.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and then we also want to do an additional call to action for our sound off question from last episode what is your podcast about and what kind of current event can you leverage for growth? So this is on the heels of our discussion about current events and how to use them as content strategy. So if you haven't listened to that episode, go listen to it and then let us know how you can do that for your podcast.

Speaker 3:

Ooh, for my podcast Buzzcast. I want to talk about the current event of us going to podcast movement, so we should add that to the agenda for our next episode and talk about what we love and, because we're going, all three of us will be there.

Speaker 2:

When's the first day? The 19th?

Speaker 1:

Mm-hmm 20th. It's Tuesday, I think 19th is when we set up.

Speaker 3:

Maybe there's some stuff. On Monday, every conference has like a day that's not really a day, yeah, and then like the real day, and then there's always like a day where people are kind of just lingering at the very end. But Tuesday, week after next, the stragglers.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay. Well, that's a fun event, but I'm now feeling a little stressed that it's only 10 days away. So yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Thanks for the stress guys All right, so I'm excited for the next episode. Until then, keep podcasting.

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